Last month we let you all know that the next Brad Vs Sam had been confirmed.

Sam was leading 1-0 after the first challenge. As this one would be involving bricks, we felt this would fall straight into Brads hands, or would it?

The boys were set a task to build a wall, five bricks high and the same number of bricks wide, 25 bricks in total on a pop up table. The only rule was that the finished product has to be level. The judge was an Ox Pro Level Set.

We felt the builder’s skill element would get the boys warmed up for site work, which is due to happen very soon on Amazon Prime, with our new show Building with The Baldies.

The thought of being bricklayers after a long time away from the tools didn’t really bother Brad but Sam was questioning his own abilities with a trail.

We’ve used OX Tools for a number of years. The tools feel like having an extra man on site so we knew these were the only tools fit for challenge (as we needed as much help as possible). The tools are instinctively recognised due to the striking blue and are tough, dynamic and dependable.

The cameras were rolling and it was game time. Would they go for speed or take their time and get the wall spot on at the first attempt?

Brad flew out of the blocks and was throwing the wall up like a man possessed, while Sam on the other hand was getting the job done but at a lot slower pace and not as neat.

A few wobbles on both tables nearly lost the walls early doors, but the boys fought on against the strong winds and after a 15 minute battle it was time for the judge to make his decision and choose a winner.

Brads wall was pretty much spot on, but as the judge headed over with level in hand to Sam’s, disaster struck as the heavy wind dumped his wall on the floor.Did this save the inevitable? Was Brad robbed of victory? We will never know.

The result had to be a draw and both picked up a point. Leaving the scores at SAM 2 BRAD 1


March 04, 2022

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