Simon Heath Star of The Crafty Countryman series opens up about his life, and explains what a massive impact art had for him growing up.

In these mini articles we will start from the beginning, and over the following months we will follow his journey from a boy to a master craftsman.

This has not been an overnight success this has been years of hard graft

A fascinating story of a wonderfully talented man

Simon Heath - The Craftsman's Journey in His Words Part 2

Growing up partly on the farm and at home in a small village I was always in touch with nature, dogs and animal birds etc. Being not very bright at school I immersed myself in these things and also discovered I was quite good at art, and so all these things are of great use to me now.

The art makes sure I observe things always looking and studying form, which I have to do quickly, looking at local distances from eyes to ears to nose etc. Being able to scale up and down in your mind or from a picture (My dad always said I had a great gift to do that).



March 23, 2022


Vicky evans said:

Amazing talented guy and the work is amazing

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