This Christmas Brad & Sam have released a Christmas advert on socials.

The ethos of the advert was to not fall out over the small stuff as life is too short. Sams message rings clear from the beginning, where his voice is heard from an interview he did on The Bald Builders Breakfast Show on Fix Radio. The interview featured a chat in relation to the importance of mental health, and the battles Sam had previously faced before speaking out. Its ok to not be ok and by reaching out to friends and family it really does help. You are never alone!!!

The Christmas advert shows Brad & Sam have a fallout over a chocolate biscuit. This is resolved within a few hours, and with a little help of Santa’s magic the boys come back together to crack on with the job in hand.

The advert has it all emotion, fun and a very powerful message. Brad perfectly sums up the advert at the end of the production with the lines

"It aint worth falling out over the small stuff is it,especially at Christmas" 


From us all at The Bald Family we would like to wish you all a


Thank you to each and everyone of you, for your support this year.It really does mean the world to us as a family. We have loads more exciting stuff to come in 2023.A year that will be bigger and better than ever.

December 23, 2022

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