Since picking up the keys to their forever home on Friday 4th December the Hanson Home Renovation has well and truly begun. Brad & Sam and team have been working hard over the last month, and already internally and externally the house is unrecognisable.

Last week The Hanson Home had a delivery from building supplier Gibbs & Dandy,who are supporting the project from start to finish. The customer service and materials these guys supply are top level and we are thankful for all of their help so far.

Internally the house has had all the carpets ripped up, and Rhi has given the house a proper deep clean(which took days).

Brad has already unearthed some gems and has stuck to his word of bringing back to life original features. The staircase panelling has come off and is now back to its stunning original self, as it was designed to be all them years ago. The stairs have also been reinforced due to a few squeaky steps.


The Current kitchen soon to be utility room has had various cupboards removed and the floor ripped up taking it back to bare bones.

Outside is where the magic has really started happening. Gone is the overgrown garden trees and bushes which hadn’t been touched for years. The previous very secret garden really is going to have a new lease of life when completed.

Scaffolding has been erected around the house, which enabled Brad to get up and see what works need doing on the roof. Although it was a bit more than originally expected, the damage is nothing a few days work won’t fix.

Walls have come down out the back, and the little old outside toilet found it’s fateful end.But in 12/18 months the garden will be brought into modern age and have a stunning patio area,outside bar and hot tub for Brad and Rhi to relax in to escape the staff members.


So many more things have happened on this wonderful house in such a short space of time.

if you’d like to see everything that has gone on and to follow the journey you can do on our instagram page The Hanson Home.

Every week something will be happening at The House which The Hansons will be showing you every step of the way.

As you can see from the 3D impressions below, this stunning property will soon be everything the family has ever dreamed of, and worked so hard for.



January 07, 2023

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