On Thursday we took a trip to Vauxhall to visit the brand spanking new Fix Radio studios and the two hour jaunt was definitely worth it.

We arrived just after 10am and after a proper struggle to get parked up, we were met by Fix founder Louie and the firms marketing manager Tom.

The boys showed us into the fresh new studio and we were more than impressed. The sleek modern design popped off and we felt right at home.

As we are in the process of relocating from the hub, the fix studio gave us some slick ideas that we are going to adapt and use in our own new gaff, which were currently in the process of designing.

While in the building the Fix team asked us to do some promotional videos for them with a full on production team present. Although it soon became evident were not used to reading from scripts. With a few hilarious outtakes we got there in the end, but how these actors do it we're never know.

All in all, a very productive visit.

It's always lovely to see the Fix Radio Family, and after fighting through the London traffic we arrived back to Costa Del Bognor at around 7pm.

You can hear us on Fix Radio every weekday 10-11am

February 18, 2022

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